World Hypnotism Day: Pearlan's Interview

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jamee Culbertson

Six Healing Sounds Chi Kung
with Jamee Culbertson
Healing Tao & Alexander Technique Instructor
November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 20, 27
6:30 PM -7:30 PM

Email to confirm availability:

The Six Healing Sounds is a form of medical chi kung. It is a practice that combines specific sounds with specialized movements. This special form of chi kung serves to balance and regulate the temperature of your body by releasing trapped cold or heat, creating perfect 'weather' inside.

This sitting chi kung involves simple arm movements synchronized with the breath and meditation to relieve stress, cool the inner organs, and cultivate tranquility. With regular practice it is especially energizing the body and spirit. with regular. Six Healing Sounds chi kung is useful for anyone in any stage of health or healing.

The Six Healing Sounds are easy to learn and joyful to practice. They are part of the ancient and often overlooked science of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For centuries they have been used for detoxifying, strengthening, and regenerating the internal organs. The healing of the internal organs has a positive effect on physical health, emotional stability and spiritual unfoldment.

Phoenix Chi Kung
- is a standing meditation form that includes the six healing sounds. It is ideal for reducing excess heat in the body while building strong bones and a strong flexible spine. Chi Kung exercise sends chi into the joints, tendons, bones and inner organs enabling you to stay young and healthy on a physical and energetic level.

Jamee is certified to teach the Tai Chi Short Form and the Basic Meditations of the Healing Tao System; the Inner Smile and Microcosmic Orbit Meditations and Six Healing Sounds Chi Kung. She is internationally certified to teach the Alexander Technique and enjoys it's application to martial arts focusing on principles of wholism, mindful choice and redirection of awareness based on her studies with the Alexander Technique. She has been engaged in holistic healing since 1988. Jamee is also a videographer producing videos for entrepreneurs and leaders around the world including the growing media library for the Boston Healing Tao.