World Hypnotism Day: Pearlan's Interview

Wish to possess, as your very own, the greatest Secrets of Hypnotic Beauty? Click on the image now. I, Pearlan, a Certified Hypnotic Beauty, vouch for this wholeheartedly

Hypnotic Beauty

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kristin Harrison-New hours!

Come in feeling bristly like a porcupine...

Leave feeling like a puppy dog...

Great news! Kristin Harrison
is now available from 12P-8P
on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Now this is a reason to call in sick!
Sleep in... then rise up to only
get on down for your massage...
then the rest of the day/night for YOU!

Of course there is always after work and Sundays...The next Sunday openings are on Sunday, October 17 ...12P-8P...Kristin is booking now.

Me first this time!
Ahhh... It is about time...Taking time for Self
so I can be better at taking time for you all!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pamper Thyself to Empowerment

Hey, where's everyone going?

Get in line for a fabulous night of
Pamper Thyself To Empowerment!
Go see for yourself then secure your spot... Now

October 4, 2010
The Self Center
805 Main Street
Winchester, MA 01890

With services at these affordable prices,
we are booking up quickly.
Secure your spot... Now.

Email your selection. Room for a few more! We will confirm your times.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pamper Thyself to Empowerment

The Self Center: A magical experience for the "Young at Heart"!

Where can you go for one hour and leave having the knots and kinks in your back dissolved, your energy balanced, your mind quieted and your face glowing with renewal-Enter The Self Center October 4, 2010 and it can happen to you! Be young at heart where Fairy Tales come true!

Read on: Pamper Thyself